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As a Community of Believers....We Are Better Together!

BOLIM is a multicultural Spirit-Filled Body of believers that embraces the Five-Fold ministry and the Hebrew Roots of our Faith in Yeshua Ha’Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah)!  We are intentional in our mission to produce faithful disciples of Yeshua (Jesus) for the Kingdom of Elohim (God)!  We are ambassadors committed to the message of reconciliation and restoration to every nation and generation. The Word of Elohim (God) is the foundation we use to bring divine order to the life of the believer and to prepare him/her for the return of our soon coming King Yeshua (Jesus)!.

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Saturdays @ 4 pm CST



Join us on Saturdays for a POWERFUL TIME of Praise, Worship, and the Word as we observe Shabbat (Sabbath)! This time together is design to gather the Saints as we are commanded in Leviticus 23 for a weekly holy convocation / set-apart gathering! The Praise, Worship, and the Word, and Fellowship with the Saints offers healing, deliverance, and restoration as you prepare for a new week of service to the Most High!  Join us in person or click on the YouTube link below on Saturdays @ 4 pm CST.



Join us for prayer every Tuesday morning at 7 am CST.  

Dial-in Number: 346-248-7799  Meeting ID: 832 2326 7131  

Passcode: 343787

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Tuesday Morning Prayer


Wednesdays @ 7:30 pm CST

Come experience a time of Iron Sharpening Iron during our interactive Breath of Life Discipleship (BOLD) gatherings each week via Zoom. BOLD is designed to EMPOWER you for your daily life, EQUIP you for the mandate on your life so that you can IMPACT the globe! Not only will you receive a Life-Changing Word from the Instructor, but you will also be able to participate in discussions and ask questions as you seek to be effective in life on a daily basis.  Click on the Zoom icon above  to join the BOLD Zoom Wednesdays @ 7:30 pm CST.

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BOLIM Children Of Life offers a fun, educational, exciting, and power-packed ministry to children ages 0 – 11 yrs.  


Currently we are offering Children of Life during Breath Of Life Sabbath Worship Services on Saturdays @ 4:00 pm CST.


Breath Of Life International Ministries (BOLIM) is a multicultural Spirit-Filled Body of Believers that embraces the Five-Fold ministry (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers) and the Hebrew Roots of our Faith in Yeshua Ha’Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah)! 


Our congregation was established by our Pastors following the leading of Holy Spirit in 2008. We spent the first 10 years of ministry in Friendswood, TX in various locations. In November 2018, we were blessed to re-locate our ministry headquarters to Deer Park, TX where we have taken ownership of our own land and facility for the advancement of the Kingdom of Our Most High King! 


 We are intentional in our mission to produce faithful disciples of Yeshua (Jesus) for the Kingdom of Elohim (God)!  We are ambassadors committed to the message of reconciliation and restoration to every nation and generation. The Word of Elohim (God) is the foundation we use to bring divine order to the life of the believer and to prepare him/her for the return of our soon coming King Yeshua (Jesus)!

When you become a part of the BOLIM Family, we don’t call you a member, but rather, you become a DISCIPLE.  Yeshua instructs us in Matthew 28:19 to make disciples of all nations! In John 13:35, Yeshua (Jesus) said “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”  Walking in love in the BOLIM Congregation is a key focus because we understand that Elohim (God) is LOVE!


We are dedicated to returning to the covenant by observing the Sabbath as well as the other Appointed Times of YAHWEH (THE LORD) – Leviticus 23.  In this last and evil day, there is a mandate on this ministry to connect the Body Of Messiah to the Hebrew roots of our Faith in Yeshua.  One of the ways we will do this is by awakening and enlightening the Body of Messiah to the call of the Sons of Issachar who understood the times to know what Israel ought to do (I Chronicles 12:32). We know that as we align with the calendar of our Heavenly Father (as detailed in the Bible) we will clearly understand the present and future instructions for mobilization and advancement of the Kingdom of Elohim (God)!


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By submitting your info here, you acknowledge that BOLIM Inc. has the permission to contact you
by phone and/or email regarding upcoming services and o
ther gatherings. 

Thank you for subscribing!

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